Admissions Process
Client Screening
Client screening takes place prior to program admissions. This process may include record review, discussions with members from the current medical/rehabilitation team, and/or interview with the client and family/significant members of their support team. The screening is conducted to determine the client’s appropriateness and willingness to participate in the services requested. Also evaluated are potential safety issues, including chemical substance abuse and difficult to manage aggressive behavior.
There are additional referral screening considerations specifically for our home and community neurorehabilitation program. A person referred to our program may be an excellent fit for OTOL Rx services except for safety concerns. Sometimes we are still able to provide a home and community program by including additional safeguards into the program structure. For example, an individual may be considered unsafe to be alone in the home for brief or longer periods of time due to cognitive and/or physical issues and the primary family caregiver may be unavailable to be at home to supervise due to work and other responsibilities. In response, we work with home health agencies to carefully screen for a certified home health aide who is also agreeable to a specialized role with the client beyond traditional custodial care. The home health aide is designated to help our team as a cognitive aide/NeuroAttendantsm assistant and be directly involved in facilitating therapeutic progress. We provide the NeuroAttendantsm with simplified, client-specific special training in cognitive and physical management strategies/cueing techniques as well as principles of behavioral analysis and management. Our home and community program therapists continue to provide guidance, training, and supervision to the NeuroAttendantsm throughout the course of OTOL Rx involvement. Inclusion of a certified home health aide with this expanded job description often provides the missing piece for making the home a safe and viable discharge option.
Needs Assessment Plan
A comprehensive needs assessment plan is conducted either prior to admissions or immediately upon entry to our program.This initial evaluation provides recommendations for how to best meet an individual’s total rehabilitation needs. Information found in a client’s needs assessment plan includes:
- Functional goals
- Behavioral strengths and challenges
- Anticipated length of time required to meet the goals
- Possible barriers to progress and program success